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Reef Raider - Caracal 180 / Suzuki 140

Reef Raider - Caracal 180 / Suzuki 140

Monday, April 21, 2008

Family Outing

Sunday 4/20/08

Nothing for you fishing fans here this week, I did have plans to fish with my friend Hector and Mundi on Friday, but the wind just would not stop blowing. Saturday was a little better, but I had a previous commitment and was not able to make it.

I got a text message from Hector Saturday night, Sea’s are glass on Sunday, let’s get out there, your cousin Freddy is in. I had already promised the kids a day at the sand bar with their cousins on Sunday though so I had to say no to the fishing. OH well, we’ll try again next week.

Sunday morning we woke up with the sand bar in mind, my cousin JC (Actually married to my first cousin) and his family were supposed to be coming along but there was a glitch that could be keeping them at home. His mother in law (my Tia Any) was there and she is neither a fan of boats, nor of the ocean. But with a little prodding, some guilt from her grand kids, and the prospect of her ruining their day on the water, and she came around.

We were headed for Matheson Hammock, but JC called (Aquiles) one of my best friends and a long time friend of the family, and now he was in as well. The thing is Aquiles has his boat in dry storage at the 79th street Marina, so for us all to go together we’d have to drive to 79th street. No big deal, so we drive a little further and we all go out together. I called my brother who was coming as well and told him where to meet us.

When we got to the Marina and I backed the boat down the ramp. I jumped on to fire up the engine and OH OH! Dead battery. Ouch! I forgot to charge the battery, and worse I did not fire up the engine before leaving the house. No biggie, I never panic, there is almost always a solution if you are just patient and take your time. “Hey buddy any chance you have jumper cables in there?” The first guy I asked and he had them, great Omen. So JC backed his boat up we hooked up the cables and the engine fired right up. Problem solved, it won’t happen to me again though, I will definitely check the battery before leaving home from now on.

So we were off, we headed for Haulover beach; it turns out there is a nice big sand bar just South and West of Government cut, there were lots of boats anchored up there, but not so overcrowded that it was uncomfortable or anything. JC and I arrived first, as Aquiles was running a little behind; we picked a spot and anchored, and soon the kids were in the water. I turned the engine off a little hesitantly, but the batteries had charged up just fine and the problem was solved.

After a while of shifting back and fourth with the wind and the tide we decided to tie the boats together so we could go from boat to boat and the girls could talk. Aquiles pulled in some 30 minutes later, and look who were with him, Jorge his business partner and his wife. Aquiles and Jorge brought the boat right in next to us on the other side of JC’s boat, tied up, and they were soon in the water.

I am new to this sand bar thing and I saw something that made me laugh at first, but then I thought damn this is brilliant. It was just another example of creativity, entrepreneurship, and the American way. On the water floating amongst all those other craft was a floating roach coach. Just like those food service trucks that visit construction sites on a daily basis, but this one floats. Not only that, they have a kid riding around in a zodiac with a small gas engine that makes deliveries for those who don’t want to walk to the little barge. Anyway, we (Aquiles, Jorge, my brother, and I) walked over to the barge where Aquiles who arrived hungry but swore that these burgers are fantastic ordered up some food. I had a late breakfast and wasn’t hungry, I did not bring any cash with me because I knew I wasn’t going to get anything, but my daughter showed up asking for Ice Cream. I told her she could not have any, but Jorge over heard and kindly asked if he could buy her the Ice Cream. At first I said no but Jorge kindly insisted, so I let him buy her the ice cream.

Anyway, it was a great day on the water; we were there some 3 to 4 hours I’d say. The kids played in the water, and the men also got a little ocean time, but the girls all said the water was still too cold. We headed back uneventfully around 3:30 PM and back home to rest up for Monday.

Here are some pictures…

That's my Brother (Fiti), can't get away from work and the Cell Phone

My Boat, my lovely wife (Tania), and my brother still on the phone

JC's boat, My Tia (Any) waving

My Son (Albert) off JC's boat CANNONBALL!

My daughter (Alexa) My brother stuffing his face with Doritos, and my wife.

My cousins (JC) Relax Bro Hang Loose

That's me (Pardito)


My Brother Chillin in the water

That's my daughter (Angelina), cute and she knows it. Now I know what your thinking, "what beautiful hair." Yeah right try runnig a brush through it.

My son... WHAT DAD?

My Wife tanning

Jorge and his Wife

Aquiles and Jorge the Cigar Magnates. They are the owners of Sabor Habana Cigars. Seriously, if you enjoy a good cigar, go check them out, they have three stores, one in Doral on 87th ave, one on Sunset and 99th Ave, and another in the Gables.

I Hope you enjoyed this weeks entry and the pictures, hopefully I'll have some fishing stuff next week.

Till then...


Anonymous said...

You've got a great looking wife.. hope you take good care of her! :)

Reef Raider said...

If she may say so herself.

Anonymous said...

If SHE doesn't, who will?