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Reef Raider - Caracal 180 / Suzuki 140

Reef Raider - Caracal 180 / Suzuki 140

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Perfect Trip! Finally!

Target: Yellowtails

Fisherman: Myself Of Course, My Cousin Freddy, My Good Friend Hector,& (OH NO!) My Brother

OK so you’ve been reading my Blog and you know that the first few times out did not go exactly as planned; and for a Blog titled Fishing Adventures that is not very impressive. Well this time all went perfect, finally!

We headed for Homestead Bay Front a little later than planned; it seems that in his excitement to go fishing my friend Hector locked his keys in his car. No biggie; that is why he has AAA, so 45 min or so after we had planned we were on the road.

We got in the water and out the channel; we made a brief stop to hopefully catch some pinfish because we had it in mind to do a drift or two before we set up for the Yellowtails. Unfortunately it was the wrong time of day for the pinfish, and they just weren’t there. We did manage to catch a few, but the Pinfish would not factor into the success of our fishing trip.

We headed out for a wreck anyway, it was by now kind of late in the day (around 6:30 PM) but I wanted to try drifting over the wreck a few times just to get some practice at it for future trips. I actually did a pretty good job; I used the chart plotter to figure out the drift, went a little beyond the spot and sure enough a few minutes later we drifted right over the spot. We considered sending some of the pin fish down, but it was getting kind of late and we wanted to be anchored and start our chum slick before dark so instead of setting up another drift we just plotted a course for the whistle buoy.

20 minutes later we were at the Whistle Buoy, my friend Bob gave me the GPS coordinates to his Yellowtail spot, quite the gesture considering how protective most people are about their “Secret Numbers.” I found a nice bottom that we thought would hold fish, I corrected for the drift and my brother dropped anchor.

We caught bottom quickly enough (I love my little plow anchor) and then for a little trick I learned from a friend of my dad’s when I was a teen. I tied a rope to the rear cleat made a slip not on the main anchor rope and threaded the rear line through it. This has the effect of essentially turning the boat sideways to the current. Cats are great that way, we could all stand and fish out of the same side, and you could barely even notice the boat list at all. Luckily the seas were only 1 to 3 feet; that is not a technique you really want to use if the waters were any rougher.

My cousin Freddy had mixed together a nice chum cocktail specially mixed for yellowtails earlier while Hector and I tried to catch some Pinfish. First thing we did once we were anchored was put a chum bag in the water, and then scoop in some of the special mix my cousin had prepared. Fred was first to start his drift, and not a couple minutes later he was on with the fist Tail of the night.

Soon after I was on as well, and for the first hour or so the fishing was pretty consistent, as the Yellowtails kept finding themselves trapped in our Cooler. Hector (the Yoyo man) struggled a bit, he refuses to use a rod and that hurt his chances (in my opinion). He lost several fish to a Cuda that was lurking; he missed a few bites, and did not have enough line on his Yoyo to make it all the way back to where the tails were hanging out. Still he managed to put 4 or 5 Tails in the Cooler, so he can’t really be too disappointed considering.

My brother is not really into fishing, but he went along for the ride, and was super helpful around the boat taking care of getting bait, keeping the boat clean, and other stuff. I was surprised, considering his mission is usually to annoy everyone, especially if the bite is slow. Freddy developed a sore neck a little after night fall (getting old cuz) which led to a headache; so he teamed up with my brother to help him real in a few. So even my brother caught a few nice Tails, and had fun doing it which was more surprising.

Anyhow, the bite slowed down some around 9:30 PM, we caught a few more tails after then but they were smaller and further back. The current had dropped from steady to almost light, and it is likely the best explanation for why the Tails became less interested. An hour later we had 27 Tails in the Cooler, we wanted to make it an even 30, but it was 10:30 PM and though we were not in a hurry to get back we felt satisfied and decided to call it quits.

We pulled up anchor headed home and were back at the Marina in 40 min. Freddy and Hector seemed quite impressed with my little boat, both giving it great reviews seeing as how it was their first time out on it. I would like to say at this point “I told you so” but in all sincerity it means a lot to me that they liked my boat and had a good time on it. I spent more than a year researching boats, and I must say that for my needs I feel I picked the perfect boat. It’s very stable even with four people on board, uses little gas with the Suzuki 140HP Four Stroke; and it cuts through the waves like a champ which is the most impressive part of this little boat.

So we had a great time, spent little money getting it done, and got to fish for what I think is pound for pound one of the funnest fish to catch in the ocean. Can’t wait for the next trip out, I gotta take my kids to that spot, they are going to have a blast catching Tails once they get the hang of it.

Till then…

P.S. Much appreciation to my friend Bob and his brother Jorge for sharing their prime Yellowtail spot with me. By the way, Bob is the owner of Jomara Seafood, a fish market located in Hialeah where you can find the freshest selection of seafood in town, if you want to get your hands on your favorite type of Fish, Shrimp, Lobster, or other seafood you might be craving, you should really check out his place. Here is there address, and the link to their webpage.

2275 West 9th Avenue
Hialeah, Florida 33010
Local (305) 885-4577
Facsimile (305) 885-4102

Freddy show of the first Tail of the night
Freddy let Hector sneak into the picture
One of the prettiest sights you'll ever see, Sunset while fishing, AWESOME
Fish on baby

Speedo For bait, Yum Yum

Gentalmen start your drift's
Swallowed the hook just a bit

1 on the head, that's my mark

Check out Hector with Yoyo
Freddy working a Tail
This is a nice one
My Neck is killing me
Fiti takes the Rod
We're coming home Gringa
Hey Fiti nice Tat's
17 inches
The Twins
The Baby of the Bunch
Even Dozen
Just Cleaned
1lb 6oz cleaned and ready for the table


Moreno said...

Nice job on the tails. The South Miami Connection on the boat.
I like the boat. Looks like it can run skinny.
Tremendas chernas in those other pics. Those are real bruisers.

Reef Raider said...

What's up Marcel? thanks for dropping the comment, I don't know if most others that read this are aware they can leave comments. Anyway, the boat does run skinny, it has a 9" draft and with the jack plate could probably run in it, but I have never had it that shallow. When I tested it we did run hard in about 12 inches though an I was impressed. It really is an awesome little boat. As for the groupers, the Gags are on a charter out of Ft. Myers that I go on almost every year with Hector Fernandez, my cousin Freddy and some other friends, the Big Black I cought on my friend Mike's boat in Bahia Honda last summer. Glad you like my Blog, keep it on your favorites and check back every monday for an update and a new story.

Unknown said...

Awesome trip Albert! Thanks for the plug about Jomara! Keys is next.

Jorge and Bob

Reef Raider said...


I am counting the days for the keys, just one more month and we're there, CAN'T WAIT!

Hey the Mutton will be spawning, lets see what we can do about that.

It's my pleasure to plug Jomara's, you guys are the best and so is your fish market, anyone who buys from you I'm sure would say the same.

Hey thanks for reading my Blog, and for leaving a comment.
