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Reef Raider - Caracal 180 / Suzuki 140

Reef Raider - Caracal 180 / Suzuki 140

Sunday, May 31, 2009

My Friends Can Catch Too

Well Reef Raider fans the weather and my schedule has kept me off the water, but I have some pictures here of the catch that some of my good friends put on this weekend.  I will dispense with the long winded play by play since I did not make this trip and I don't have all the details; but suffice it to say these guys braved storms, semi rough seas,  and a slow start to an early morning.  Still, in the end they caught their targeted species, and still had time to anchor up over some nice fresh bottom to pull in a few almost requisite Tails.  Enjoy the Pics. 

Here's Danny with his catch and the prize of the day

Same fish back on land (can't count Danny's ribs in this shot, LOL!)

"Hey it looks bigger like this right?"

The Captain is all smiles, after all he did put the boys on the fish

They caught'em but I found'em

Mundi shows them off

Check out the Tails on the left, the Captains favorite 

Here are the Totals, I see at least 4 Dolphin and 3 or more Tails, not too bad

Nice Job guys!

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