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Reef Raider - Caracal 180 / Suzuki 140

Reef Raider - Caracal 180 / Suzuki 140

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Check out the hurtin my cousins put on the Grouper out west

Freddy and Hector you already know from the Reef Raider logs, now meet my younger cousins Kyle and Tyler and my friend Hector's daughter Kristy.

Apparently fishing skills run in the blood because these three youngsters managed to boat more than a dozen grouper in just couple of hours on a wreck about 25 miles west of Ft. Myers.

I don't have all the details because I was not part of the trip but here is what I do know from a telephone report. They left the Dock sometime after 7 AM; the plan was to drop a pin fish trap for a few and get some live bait but it was not necessary after my cuz Freddy spotted some Sardines, and being pretty adept at throwing the cast net they managed to load up on livies and head out sooner than expected.

They made the Run to the wreck offshore with nice weather, anchored up, and put out some lines. Kyle had his heart set on catching a Goliath grouper, and like Babe Ruth calling his shot this is what he boated.

Tyler, Freddy, and Kyle the Goliath slayer
(This Goliath Grouper was safely released after the Photo Opp)

Thereafter these youngsters managed to catch another 8 Keeper groupers, a Lane Snapper, and Mangrove Snapper to bring home for the fish fry. All in all a Great job by this next generation of anglers with some valuable tutelage from Freddy and Hector.

I was promised more pics and if they come I will post those as well, but this is what I have for now.

6 Reds, 2 Gags, 1 Lane, and 1 Mang

Kyle, Tyler, Kristy, Freddy and Hector

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Correction / Retraction ;-)

Not long after my most recent post I got this note back from Jorge. Don't read anything into his tone, he is just busting balls, LOL!

"How dare you insult Bobby by calling that fish a Reef Donkey or an Amberjack. Anybody can catch an Amberjack that size; however, a Jack Crevalle, which is what Bobby caught, rarely are seen that big. We have never seen one that size in 30+ years of fishing. See id pics below. Bobby says to edit your blog or he will come after you with Internet crime charges."


My apologies to Bob for my misnomer calling his catch of a Giant Jack Crevalle a "Reef Donkey" otherwise know as the AmberJack. Truly a huge Cravalle, I too had never seen one that size, understandable that his Jorge would come to his defense.


Jack Crevalle

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Friends Can Fish Too

Check these out, two good friends of the Reef Raider, Bob and Jorge Interian and their weekend catch. I don't have all the details, so I will let the impressive pictures speak for themselves.

Bob Smiles as he hugs his Reef Donkey

Another View

Jorge wants credit for the catch cause he baited the hook for Bob

"You all know who really caught this baby"

38 Tails, 2 Mutton, 1 King Fish, and 1 Amber Jack,
not bad for just a couple hours of fishing

Another View with another Angler,
check out the tail in the lower left,
that's what we call a "FLAG"

Bob shows off a Bull

Two nice Dorado As Bod decides to let a friends and his
Brother hold some fish while he holds his daughter